Friday, February 25, 2011

meeting sumone...;)

its a ll start from the evening..i thought yesterday would be a nice weather and all but it turns out da opposite way..huhuhu...its raining heavily! huhuhuh..but eventually when ive arrived at KL central it wasnt raining yet.huhuhu...then i've waited about...1 hour? exhausted...act i hate 2 wait n hate people waiting 4 me..but coz of she is i wait..=) when she arrived...we departed from KL central and went 2 our destinantion..that is TS! my fav spot 4 shopping! but first when we arrived we went "makan2" la of tum2 wanted FOOD!!!!!!!!....

common menu ...=p
lapo2..da makan br tw nk senyap!


gamb2 ni diamk mase sesi mencuci mata..=)

when i c dis pic i remember bby kat umah..;)

this bag @ radio?


I want 2 buy pk2 balik cm membazir je..=p

ni makan ptg! SECRET RECIPE! choc walnut cake n choc flute! nyum3

she LOVESSS cakes!

nmpk cam kembar x? tp die CANTIK g...=)

b4 going 2 ktm AMIK GAMB DLU!

As usual using the ladies coach!


this is what i buy! =)

thats it 4 2day! haish~ long journey long day..tiring....lastly when back 2 collage and sleepppp...zzzzzzzzzzz =)

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