Monday, February 28, 2011

a happy family

i hope i can stop crying...
i can't stand the sound...
my pain is painful and it's tearing me down...
when we were together i always heard my mom crying...
glasses and stuff breaking...
my dad always said nasty things to her...

they always fight about money, about me and my siblings...
thus before i had no choices cause the place that i once live was my shelter..
it is not easy to live in this family....
never knowing what love could be....
i don't want this kind of love coz it already have destroy my family...

and as times go by..
and they say that's it can be work out anymore..
they separated...
and so are me and my mom and dad..
they put to my granny...
we live together happily but without me mom and daddy..
if i can turn the time back way around....

i'll promise to mommy and daddy that i'll be a better daughter...
so that they would see me....
and will never leave...
and i wish i can make mom stop crying...
and daddy stop those nasty saying and yelling..
coz i really need them around...

not long after that they found someone new..
someone that can replace their partners and become happy and true...
but i was sad coz they will never notice me...
as now and before they leave me....
so i ran away...
ran from the noises and for my sake...
without thinking what could have happen if i'm alone again....

i don't wanna go back to the place that they call home..
no..!no way! coz it ain't easy to live with this family...
never knowing what love could be...
they see us as a happy family..
but they didn't know that we just pretend to play act naturally...
i promise i'll be better...
i'll promise that u'll be proud of me..
just come back to me please mom and daddy....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

love is blind

They say love is blind,

and you see only things that aren't really there,
but, to love without knowing,
means you never really cared.

They say love is blind and you made this come true,

I will place you in an outfit either pink or blue,
I will rock you in my arms as you quietly sleep,
I will dry your tears as you happily weep.

Love is blind or so they said, 
as if the eye had failed, 
to notice that other's see,
like fault to be assailed.

They say love is blind,

and you see only things that aren't really there,
but, to love without knowing,
means you never really cared.

p;s =u said u love me but ur a LIAR!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

i would do anything for you...but u won't do the same..?

call me stupid, call me liar, 
all this year of pain, 
made me struggle in vain, 
seeing you with another made me stronger than ever,
made me wanna be me forever, 
it's cruel for me but i'll take anything for you, 
but you'll never understand what i felt for you,
u said u love me but u'll never ever did what i'll do for you, 
i'll give u all what i had,
even u toss it in a trash, 
to give me ur love that's all i ever asked...
coz u'll never understand....
i would jump of the roof for you,
i would stab myself for you, 
i would take all this pain for you, 
i want 2 get stuck for the rest of my life with you,
i would die for you, 
i would do anything for you,
coz anything that i do will only just for you... 
but will you do the same...
no, you won't do the same...


last night i had this nightmare...
doesn't know whether it's just a dream @ not...
coz it seem so true...
i woke up in the morning and just crying hoping it was just a dream...
coz eventually i donno y everything that i dream of would come true lately....
i donno y i feel uneasy and uncomfortable with it...
malay people said that our dreams are only devils game when we were asleep.
.but when i had this dream, it's like he almost there and was talking 2 me about it! @ maybe not..
i hope not...i don't want 2...
but i'm afraid that he would be like that...
but he had promise me everything...
and i hope he's not lying....
coz it really hurts 2 feel this way..
and i don't want 2 feel it another time..
coz loosing someone isn't fun...
and isn't easy either way...
then i just woke up this morning and do my stuff hoping that it was just a dream...
yes it's just a DREAM...!

my day

2day was raining cats and first i thought wanna wash my clothes but then when i c the rain..."x jadila!" it's so heavy...i'm afraid that it won't dry as exactly as i want..coz i don't like my clothes 2 b "lembap" and all..heee~ in the evening i went to ktm 2 send my lil sis there..act i don't wanna send her but she insisted me so i have 2...@ not she would 'tarek muka 14 inci' 2 after sending her there i went 2 collage back...silly huh? just 2 send her there and i've 2 wait 4 a nother bus there..haish~ xpela...but i wih i could i dont have 2 take the bus anymore! 

when i arrive at collage it was raining i decided 2 open my lappy..but then the storms have come out! x jadi bukak lappy..takut meletop! i just lie at the bed waiting for the rain 2 stop...then i c my fon...silent...i try sending a msg 2 him..coz just now he said that he wanna go 2 sleep..i wonder y...? hurm...maybe he's exhausted...=) frankly, after that he reply and ask 2 c me! i was happy but at the same time worry..coz its raining and theres storm...! but he said he wanna 2 coz he's going back 2 his home.."so otw maybe we can meet" and he said he wanna gv me sumtim...i wonder what? ? then after metin him and yada3...i went back 2 college...i felt so hungry so i buy some meggi from the store..donno y my tum2 hurts so much lately!
then i felt asleep 4 awhile coz of the rain..then night me and zaza went 2 c PEMANIS...the festival of culture that was organized by PERSATUAN KEBUDAYAAN ANAK NEGERI was nice..theres haziq AF...azam the IDOLA KECIL...then theres tengku MUKRIZ! he's handsome..but hes pronounce in malay is quite bad for a tengku.hahaha...listening 2 his speak just like oreng putih yg makan sambel belacan.hahaha...then after all the show..we went back..but i went back alone coz zaza have meeting...then went i arrive at college i fekt hungry again! time 4 MEGGI...then i open up my fb acc...then now blog...=) thats all for 2day..bye me....ily....

Friday, February 25, 2011

meeting sumone...;)

its a ll start from the evening..i thought yesterday would be a nice weather and all but it turns out da opposite way..huhuhu...its raining heavily! huhuhuh..but eventually when ive arrived at KL central it wasnt raining yet.huhuhu...then i've waited about...1 hour? exhausted...act i hate 2 wait n hate people waiting 4 me..but coz of she is i wait..=) when she arrived...we departed from KL central and went 2 our destinantion..that is TS! my fav spot 4 shopping! but first when we arrived we went "makan2" la of tum2 wanted FOOD!!!!!!!!....

common menu ...=p
lapo2..da makan br tw nk senyap!


gamb2 ni diamk mase sesi mencuci mata..=)

when i c dis pic i remember bby kat umah..;)

this bag @ radio?


I want 2 buy pk2 balik cm membazir je..=p

ni makan ptg! SECRET RECIPE! choc walnut cake n choc flute! nyum3

she LOVESSS cakes!

nmpk cam kembar x? tp die CANTIK g...=)

b4 going 2 ktm AMIK GAMB DLU!

As usual using the ladies coach!


this is what i buy! =)

thats it 4 2day! haish~ long journey long day..tiring....lastly when back 2 collage and sleepppp...zzzzzzzzzzz =)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

me, him, and bicycle ;)

long last love...maybe...;) it has been 4 years that we've been 2gether...this 10th April would be 5 years...maybe...don't want to hope coz afraid that u will leave me again...ANUAR MANAN...that's your will be my last first we met at GENTING...that time i was just a little silly girl so i am now..=) and u are u..nothing bout it has change but only ur hair...i remember the first time that i saw u..SEPANG...the place that i'll never's first time @ maybe the last time that u would ask me 2 follow to race...even your bz and your fans keep buzzing but u try 2 spend time with me even i know that is the hardest thing 2 do that time..i had a great time, and so do he i think...pic do describe and tell story rite? so here goes..!

this is the pic that i love the most..;)

and the winner is...act i dono his name but i saw he cycle and he sooo CUTE!

i didnt know who took this pic but this is the time when i realize i forgot where i put his NUMBER!

that shirt really look ENORMOUS 2 me...!

i dono y abg sanuasi take this pic 4...but its k? 

i really need 2 eat much so i can look a lot BIGGER than him! =p

wheeelllyy! i wish i can do this trick...but i can'T! HAISH~

Time 4 massage.. AWIE said he really need ONE!

Theres a lot more..but cannot upload all coz the tenet connection a little bit slow..maybe somtime ill upload it back! ~ happy day munirah! chaiyok2!

Monday, February 21, 2011


da 3 x tukar name blog..n delete..hahaha..kali ni tukar yg lain ni just tuk tatapan dr send...n just tuk kepuasan dr..harap blog ni  xkan di "delete" pasni..(hope so) tp rase cm nk dlete fb lak pasni.haha...bia gne blog je..xde org nk stalk...! erm...bye myself..c u 2 morroe...=)